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Monday, 13 June 2022

Seymour, William Matthew

2nd Lieutenant William Matthew Seymour
Seymour was born at Ballynafeigh Royal Irish Constabulary barracks on 4th October 1896 to William Seymour, Sergeant (RIC) and Lydia Seymour (nee Brooks). They had married on 17th August 1881 at Trinity Church, Co. Roscommon. William's occupation was that of a Sub-Constable.

In 1901 Seymour (4) is living in house 453 Ormeau Road, Belfast with his mother and 4 siblings; Edith Mary (11), Kathleen (5) and John (18).

In 1911 Seymour is living in house 15, Stranmillis Park, Belfast with his parents and 2 sisters; Edith Mary and Kathleen.

Following his education at RBAI (Inst), Belfast, in March 1913, Seymour joined Northern Bank at Head Office. Transfers to Donegall Square (1913) and Head Office (1914) followed. 

Northern Bank, Head Office, Victoria Street

Northern Bank, Donegall Square branch

Whilst working for the bank, Seymour was also a member of the Queen's University Officer Training Corps (Queen's OTC) from 1st November 1915 to 21st January 1916.

Seymour enlisted into the 10th (Reserve) Bn. Royal Irish Fusiliers as a Private with Service Number 10/23805. He later received his commission as a 2nd Lieutenant and transferred to the 9th Battalion (Princess Victoria's) Royal Irish Fusiliers. His first theatre of war is recorded as France.

W M Seymour - Medal Index Card

Seymour's father's address on the Medal Index Card is recorded as 'Lake Glen', Andersonstown Road, Belfast.

The War Office Daily Casualty List No. 5348 dated 27th August 1917 recorded 2nd Lt W M Seymour as entitled to wear a "Wound Stripe" as authorised under Army Order 204 of 6th July 1916. The terms of this award being met by their naming in this list.

Aged 20, he was Killed in Action on 16th August 1917 on the opening day of the battle of 'Langemarck'.

Private Brady of the battalion reported:

"He was in command of VIII platoon. He was a young man and I knew him well; he was fair and very nice and well-liked by everyone. I saw him during the attack; we were well over the ridge to the left of St Julien. I was only 10 yards off him when I saw him killed outright by a piece of shrapnel. I was wounded very shortly afterwards. I have heard since that we took our objective that morning but got driven back again, so perhaps the Germans would get his body."

Seymour was awarded the British Victory Medal and the British War Medal and he is commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial, Flanders, Belgium.

The Northern Whig of 10th August 1918 reported:

Ulster Division Officer Missing

Second-Lieutenant W.M. Seymour 9th Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers, reported missing at Ypres on the 16th August, 1917. He was an old boy of the Royal Academical Institution, and left the Northern Bank (Donegall Square West Branch) to join up. His relatives had no definite news, but two or three vague contradictory messages through the British Red Cross Society and other sources. They regard it as possible that he was picked up wounded by the Germans as reported from one source, and that some returned prisoner might be able to give information. Any news would be most gratefully received by his brother, Mr. J. Seymour, Preparatory School. R.B.A.I., Inchmarlo, Marlborough Park, Belfast.

Newspaper text courtesy of John McCormick

The Belfast News Letter of 6th January 1919 reported:

Seymour is also remembered on the RBAI (INST) 1914-18 War Memorial:

Photograph courtesy of LennonWylie

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